Renault Kangoo Small Refrigerated Van

New Kangoo Van is a truly practical small van and have a unconverted payload of up to 800Kg. The new Renault vans have a 3 year, 100 000 miles warranty.

Renault Kangoo Small Refrigerated Van
Make an Enquiry

Vehicle Details

Make: Renault
Model: Kangoo ML19dci 75
Registration: New
Date of Registration: Unregistered
Colour: White
Mileage: Delivery miles
Service History: N/A Service History

Refrigeration Details

Lining: New 50mm Chill Lining
Doors: Rear Barn Doors
Temperature: 0° To +8°
Fridge Unit: GAH Lance LC20S
Standby: No, Optional Extra

Price and Additional Info


Contact Us today to discuss the Refrigerated conversion further and we can put you in contact with our chosen Finance house to discuss offer prices.

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So if you are looking for a long lasting, hard working and great looking Small Refrigerated Van, then an Icecraft Refrigerated Van is the perfect solution. Contact Icecraft today for more information.
Or call 01258 837 772 now.